Dog boarding

Going away? Need a place where you know your loved one will be safe, happy, and looked after by loving & trained professionals;

Nightly rate - $100



Look no further, we are here to help!


Our boarding includes

24 hrs supervision

Outside walks (INCLUDED IN PRICE)

Fresh filtered water at all the time

Pick up and Drop off available
( + with additional fee)

Must include dog food

Plenty of daytime Play & fun activities are included in the rate.

Bath optional at end of care with an additional fee

Holiday fee +$15


Private Feedings

(Must provide dog food)

Plenty of day time play & fun activities included in rate.

Holiday fee +$15
Rates include FREE Walks & Daycare & OTHER great activities ! ALL rates are for 24 hrs periods

Cropped shot of welsh corgi dog pet sitting close to its host owner young woman teenager girl outdoors. Caucasian woman on a walk with her dog in city.

Murphy's Pet Sitting services

Drop in appointments are available for all types of animals which can be booked in either 30 minutes, 45 minutes, 1 hour or longer durations to create a custom schedule suitable to you and your pet’s needs. Whether it’s a visit to say hi to your kitty and clean her litter box, to feed your fish, clean bird cages, or take your dogs on a walk and give them some backyard playtime, we are happy to accommodate whatever care is needed for your household. Special accommodations can be made for pets and owners with medical restrictions or those that need continuous companionship until their owners arrive home.

30 mins – $35
45 mins – $45
60 mins – $65

For each additional animal there will be a surcharge of ($5)

Cancellation may be made up to (24) hours before scheduled service without penalty.

Dog Walking

Your schedule is busy and unpredictable. That doesn’t mean your dog can’t have a predictable schedule. We’ll walk the dog when you’re too busy. We can accommodate visits daily, weekly or as needed.

30 min $30
45 min $40
60 min $60

Daily Dog Walking Clients: Cancellations may be made up to two (2) hours before scheduled service without penalty.

Dog walking on running track at stadium in summer day, Pet portrait

Private sessions allow us to

Design a unique training protocol around your goals, so that you and your dog are happier

Use practical, humane methods to train your dog in the place they’re most likely to act out

Schedule each session at your convenience and go at your own pace

Answer all your questions and address any additional concerns

Dog training

Unleash your dog’s potential

Murphy’s training offers a variety of training options for busy families and professionals! Choose between Private In-Home Training, Puppy Training, Behavior Consultation. We provide real solutions to the most common problems dog owners face: basic obedience, behaviour modifications/aggressive behavior, and learning basic commands so that every trip outside can feel like a walk in the park.

“If you think a dog getting hit by a car or getting lost is better than a momentary correction using modern remote collar technology. Then you probably shouldn’t have a dog” – Tom Davis